OnePlus: 12 and 12R flagship

OnePlus is a global community of change-makers, quality-seekers, and users, who want to empower the world through better technology. The company focuses on smooth software, powerful hardware and expert craftsmanship for a first-class user experience that they aim to develop hand in hand with their customers.

With the flagship 12 and 12R series, the company is pursuing the goal of developing high-quality smartphones that offer a first-class user experience at an affordable price.

TAKE was commissioned to implement the visualisation of the new OnePlus 12 and 12R flagship series.  OnePlus presented us with the challenge to create global digital campaigns for two products in one production. Targeting multiple audiences and demographics whilst staying true to the core features of the 12 series.


TAKE built a visual customer journey of smooth encounters that revolve around perception, touch, and emotion. We believe smoothness is more than just a design feature, but is a feeling that resonates deeply within us. 

Our aim for this campaign was to involve the audience in a visual world that stimulates the senses and evokes emotions. For this TAKE STUDIO developed a simple yet tangible visual language that embodies  all these elements, awakening our senses and making us feel truly connected to the present moment.


  • Concept 
  • Art direction
  • Art buying 
  • Casting
  • Locations
  • Service production
  • Hair & Make up
  • Styling 
  • Post production


In our collaboration with ONEPLUS, we explored various European locations for the production that could support the concept with a textural mix between urbanity and nature. Ultimately choosing Lisbon for its great metropolitan infrastructure, beautiful landscapes and promising weather. Leveraging our extensive network of local crew, we prioritised minimised travel without compromising quality or consistency. Our comprehensive production services included casting, scouting, travel arrangements, catering, and glam team commissioning. By integrating creative and production processes from the start we were able to balance budgets in the most efficient way, delivering on both quality and practicality. 




Photographer: apricotberlin
Creative Director: Mario Da Motta Veiga
Lead Producer: Vanessa Harrison
Producer: Joao Santana
Production Coordinator: Ina Graeven
Digi Op: Filipe Serralheiro
Lighting Operator: Hugh Vieira da Silva
Stylist: Noemie Beltran
Hair & Make Up: Tina Hoffmann
Styling Assistant: Isabel

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